Last Updated August 23, 2023



  1. How do I change my password? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Management > Change Password.
  2. How do I change my email address? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Management > Change Email Address.
  3. How do I change my mobile number? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Management > Change Mobile Number.
  4. How do I delete my account? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Management > Delete Account.
  5. How do I see the users that I have blocked? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Management > Blocked Users.

  1. How do I report a user’s profile? Tap the user’s profile page > three dots > Report this person.
  2. How do I report an incident at an event? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Reporting > Report an Incident at an Event.
  3. How do I see the reports I’ve submitted? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Reporting > Reports I’ve Submitted.
  4. How do I see my account status? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Reporting > My Account Status.
  5. Is the reporting anonymous? Yes. The person you reported will not be informed by >|||< that you have done so.
  6. Will the person I reported be removed from the app? Yes, if the report is entirely and accurately submitted and the person has violated our Community Guidelines.
  7. How long will it take for the person I reported to be removed from the app? It will take 3-5 business days.
  8. Why will my account be terminated? Your account will be terminated because you violated our Community Guidelines. If you feel that your account will be terminated in error, email us at terminations@klllk.com.

  1. How do I complete or update my profile? Tap your photo from any screen (except chat) > Edit Profile.
  2. How do I complete or update my photos? Tap your photo from any screen (except chat) > Edit Photos.
  3. What if my profile interests need to be added to the list? Send your suggestions to friends@klllk.com.
  4. How do I see my profile as others see it? Tap your photo from any screen (except chat) > Profile Setting > tap Public > tap view or tap Private > tap view.
  5. Why is my profile saying that it’s less than 100% complete? Fill out all fields on the profile detail page to complete a profile. Tap your photo from any screen (except chat) > Edit Profile.
  6. Why should I complete my profile? The more people know about you, the safer they will feel when you meet in person.
  7. Who can see my profile? If you set your profile to private, only your friends can see your full profile. If you set your profile to public, any app user can see your full profile.
  8. Why is a profile photo in black & white? Only photos of your friends appear in color; black & white photos are the people you haven’t yet met.

  1. Why should I allow access to my contacts? Allowing access to your contacts lets you know which of your friends is using >|||< so that you can become in-app friends with them. We do not store, mine, or share your contacts.
  2. How do I make in-app friends? There are two ways to become friends in >|||<: from your contact list and by scanning QR codes.
  3. How do I add my friends from my contact list? When your contact starts using >|||<, the person will appear in your Friend Suggestions.
  4. How do I share >|||< with my contact list? Tap the Hamburger menu at the upper right corner > Account > Friends > Share >|||< with Contacts.
  5. How do I add a friend in person? Tap the + icon at the upper right corner > Add Friend. This will open your phone’s camera. Have your new friend scan the QR Code icon in the upper left corner to open your new friend’s Digital ID. Scan the QR Code in your new friend’s Digital ID with your phone’s camera. Your new friend will get a friendship request> Friends > Requests.
  6. How does my new friend add me as a friend in person? Tap the QR Code icon in the upper left corner to open your digital ID. Have your new friend the + icon at the upper right corner of your new friend’s phone > Add Friend. This will open your new friend’s phone’s camera. Have your new friend scan your QR Code in your Digital ID with your new friend’s phone’s camera. You will get a friendship request> Friends > Requests.
  7. I met someone at a >|||< event, and I didn’t scan the person’s Digital ID. How do I add the person as a friend after we met at a >|||< event? Tap the Friends icon at the bottom left > Friend Suggestions  > Add Friend. You can scroll or search for the person. The person’s name will disappear after seven days.
  8. Are friendship requests automatic? No. Your friends must accept all your friend requests> Friends > Requests.
  9. Who can be my friends in >|||<? Only people you have met in real life can be your friends in >|||<. You can add friends through your contact list, by scanning your friends’>|||< Digital IDs, or by going to Friends > Friend Suggestions > Add Friend.

  1. How do I create a group? Tap the + icon at the upper right corner > Create Group.
  2. Why would I make a group public? You would make a group public because you want people to discover your group. 
  3. Why would I make a group private? You would make a group private because you do not want people to discover your group.
  4. What are group permissions? The group’s creator (group administrator) can retain sole control over who is added to or removed from a group, or that person can share the permission to do that with another group member.
  5. How many co-admins can I have? As many as you want.
  6. How do I edit a group after I created it? Tap the Groups icon at the bottom center > scroll or search for the group’s name > the group name or photo > Manage Group > Edit Group.
  7. How do I add someone to a group after I created it? Tap the Groups icon at the bottom center > scroll or search for the group’s name > the group name or photo > Manage Group > Add Members.
  8. How do I remove someone from a group after I created it? Tap the Groups icon at the bottom center > scroll or search for the group’s name > the group name or photo > Manage Group > Remove Members.
  9. How do I add a co-admin to a group after I created it? Tap the Groups icon at the bottom center > scroll or search for the group’s name > the group name or photo > Manage Group > Edit Co-admin.
  10. How do I delete a group after I create it? Tap the Groups icon at the bottom center > scroll or search for the group’s name > the group name or photo > Manage Group > Delete Group.
  11. Why can’t I join a group? Only the creator of the group (group administrator) or a group member with group permissions can add people to a group.
  12. Why can’t someone add me to a group? You must be in-app friends with the creator of the group (group administrator) or a member of the group with group permissions to be added to a group.

  1. How do I create an event? Tap the + icon at the upper right corner > Create Event.
  2. Why would I make an event private? You would make an event private because you want to invite specific individuals and groups (friends and people you haven’t yet met), and you do not want anyone else to know about the event.
  3. Why would I make an event public? You would make an event public because you want individuals and groups you haven’t yet met to discover your event and ask for an invitation. You can share the event with your friends so that they can also ask for invitations. Only public events are visible on the map and list view.
  4. Are private events visible on the map or list view? Private events are visible in the map view, but you cannot see their details. Public events are on the map and list view.
  5. What if my event type isn’t in the list? Send your suggestions to friends@klllk.com.
  6. Is the address of the event visible to people viewing it? No, only the general area of the event is visible. Only invited guests can see the complete address of the event.
  7. What is the RSVP deadline? It is the time after which invitations can’t be sent nor requests for invitations accepted.
  8. How many profile interests can I add? Ten.
  9. How many co-hosts can I have? Five.
  10. Why is the minimum guest count 2? We believe there is safety in numbers.
  11. Why is the minimum age 17? >|||< is intended for use by people who are college age and older.
  12. Why should I (a guest) accept an invitation to a private event rather than show up? Accepting your invitation builds the guest list, making the event safer and more attractive for everyone who may attend.
  13. Why should I (a host) manage requests for invitations to my public event? Managing the requests for invitations to your event builds the guest list, which makes the event safer and more attractive for everyone.
  14. Can I invite people to a public event? No. When a host creates a public event, the event becomes visible on the Events Home page in the map and list views. Individuals and groups interested in attending the event can request invitations to it. The host can share the event with friends, others, and public groups. However, public events can be shared via chat. 
  15. How do I edit the event I’m hosting? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > Edit Event.
  16. How do I duplicate the event I’m hosting? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > Duplicate Event.
  17. How do I add the event I’m hosting to my calendar? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > Add to Calendar.
  18. How do I add the event I’m attending to my calendar? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Attending > the event > tap the date > Add to Calendar.
  19. How do I view the guest list for the event I’m hosting? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > View Guest List.
  20. How do I cancel the event I’m hosting? Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > Cancel Event.
  21. Can I uninvite someone to my event? Yes. Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Hosting > the event > Manage Event > View Guest List > Attending > select the check box by the person’s name > Remove.
  22. Can a guest withdraw an accepted invitation? Yes. Tap the Events icon at the bottom right > My Upcoming Events > Attending > the event > Withdraw Request. 
  23. Can a private group host a private event? Technically, the host has to be an individual. However, a group member can create a private event and invite all of the group members in one click. You can use the event’s name to reference your group.
  24. Can a private group host a public event? Technically, the host has to be an individual. However, a group member can create the public event and share it with all of the group members in one click. 
  25. Can a public group host a private event? Technically, the host has to be an individual. However, a group member can create a private event and invite all of the group members in one click.
  26. Can a public group host a public event? Technically, the host has to be an individual. However, a group member can create the public event and share it with all of the group members in one click. 
  27. Can I share the event? Hosts and co-hosts can share their events either inside the app or through other apps by using the paper airplane icon on the event detail page. 
  28. What is “Set Travel Plans?” By setting travel plans, you become visible to hosts in locations other than your current one. Hosts in the place you are visiting can discover you and invite you to and share events with you.

  1. With whom can I chat? You can chat with your friends and your groups. You can send a chat request to someone you don’t know, which will appear as a chat request. You can also create a chat with your guests directly from an event you are hosting or co-hosting.


  1. What is the function of the QR code? The QR Code is your Digital ID. It has two functions:
  2. It is a way to become in-app friends with another >|||< user. Tap the QR Code icon to expose your code. The other user should do the same, and the camera icon becomes visible when the QR code is revealed. The other user scans your QR code, and you will receive a friend request from that user.
  3. It is your admission ticket to events to which you’ve been invited. The host will scan your QR code at the entrance to the event.